We are there for you


We are pleased to welcome you to Hanse HNO!

On the following pages we would like to introduce you to our practice in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel. Whether you are seeking treatment for allergies, hearing loss, hoarseness, snoring, dizziness or a small infection, we offer the full range of services in ear, nose and throat, as well as voice and speech disorder care for children and adults.

At our practice, your health is our priority. We look forward to serving you,

Armin Mechkat, M.D. & colleagues

+++A parking garage is located next to Kaifu Ärztehaus. You can access it from Hohe Weide.+++



All important at a glance

Patient hours

Mo. 8.00 - 12.30 13.30 -18.00
Di. 8.00 - 12.30 13.30 -18.00
Mi. 8.00 - 14.00  
Do. 8.00 - 12.30 13.30 -18.00
Fr. 8.00 - 14.00  


For appointments, please call
040 69656100

or schedule your


A parking garage is located in the building.
Bus line 4 – Kaiser-Friedrich-Ufer, bus line 181 – Schlankreye (DKH), U2 – Christuskirche, U3 – Schlump



Hanse HNO
Dr. Armin Mechkat & colleagues
Hohe Weide 17c
20259 Hamburg

Tel.: (040) 69656100
Fax: (040) 69656109

Online diary

Our office

Hanse HNO is located in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel on Hohe Weide 17c, on the third floor of the Kaifu-Ärztehaus. We take the time to get to know you and your health concerns in our modern ambience and friendly atmosphere.

We strive to make your visit as comfortable as possible by offering you convenient access through our own parking garage.

Whether in our reception area or our waiting and exam rooms, your well-being and health is always our top priority. It is part of our philosophy to treat you the way we would our family members and ourselves.

We look forward to improving your quality of life with custom diagnostics and therapies geared towards your individual needs!

Your Physicans

Armin Mechkat, M.D.

Armin Mechkat, M.D., is an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist from Hamburg. A son of Persian immigrants, he grew up in Hummelsbüttel and completed his medical studies and training at various institutions between the Alster and Elbe rivers, such as the AK St. Georg and the military hospital in Wandsbek. Since starting Hanse HNO in 2014, his patients have benefited from his invaluable outpatient and clinical experiences gained as an ENT specialist (Facharzt) at the Asklepios Gesundheitszentrum Hamburg-Bergedorf and as an attending physician (Oberarzt) at the Klinikum Frankfurt-Hoechst. Additionally, the father of two is certified by the Ärztekammer Hamburg as allergist and physician for voice and speech disorders. He can conduct consultations in Farsi (Iranian) or English if needed.

Dr. Luis Fernando López Paiz

Mr. Lòpez Paiz was born and raised in Guatemala. After studying medicine at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala and completing several internships in the field of ENT in the USA, the likeable Central American decided to pursue a clinical career in our beautiful Hanseatic city and became a Hamburg resident by choice. He earned his first spurs in the ENT department of the Altona Clinic, where he initially focused on rhinosurgery and aesthetic medicine as an assistant and later as a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine. After seven years between the operating theater and the ward, he has now decided to take the next step in his career and move into specialist practice. Mr. López Paiz is committed to continuous further training in his specialist area and in the field of aesthetic medicine and regularly attends congresses. This enables him to advise his patients at Hanse HNO with great expertise, empathy and cordiality. On request, he is also available in Spanish and English.

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kehrl, M.D.

Wolfgang Kehrl studied human medicine at the University of Hamburg. His career as an ENT doctor started in 1983 as a scientific assistant at the University Hospital Eppendorf. In the following years he worked his way up to senior physician at the UKE. From 1999 to 2019 he worked as ENT chief physician at the Marien Hospital in Hamburg. As an experienced doctor and surgeon, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kehrl has enriched Hanse ENT ever since.


We care for you

General and pediatric ear, nose and throat care

From tonsillitis to tinnitus, dizziness to hoarseness, or the fitting of a hearing aid, there are numerous reasons for a visit to the ENT specialist and we offer a broad spectrum of ENT services.

Voice and speech disorders

Speech development disorders in children need to be diagnosed and treated early. We love taking care of our little patients and, with the help of our tests, will determine the best treatment options for your child.


Allergies can appear at any stage in life and can range from sneezing to severe asthma. When caught early, treatment cannot only alleviate symptoms but also prevent allergies from becoming more severe.

Sleep-disordered breathing

Snoring cannot only be bothersome, but also a sign of a serious disease called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Aesthetic medicine

Good health and an attractive appearance go hand in hand for many patients.

In- and outpatient surgeries

Sometimes surgery is inevitable. We perform common operations for adults and children and are happy to provide second opinions for procedures recommended by other physicians.


For press inquiries, please call 040 69656101 or contact us per email

Armin Mechkat, M.D., is happy to assist journalists as an expert in ear, nose and throat and aesthetic medicines. In addition to contributions to professional medical publications, he is able to clearly communicate complex medical information in a manner easily understood by the general public in print TV, radio and online media.


FOCUS Online – HNO-Gesundheits-Kolumne

http://www.focus.de/ gesundheit/ experten/ armin_mechkat/


Hamburger Abendblatt – Schnarchen muss nicht harmlos sein



NDR Info-Radio Visite – Warum nimmt Schwerhörigkeit zu?



Men's Health – Das hilft bei Ohrenschmerzen



NDR-Redezeit – Was hilft bei Allergien?



KVH-Journal – Dr. Armin Mechkat als Speaker bei der Berufsmesse für Nachwuchs-Mediziner

Seiten aus 09_17_KVH_Journal_Operation Karriere.pdf


Travelbook – Wann Sie im Flugzeug besser nicht schlafen sollten



wunderweib.de – Nase putzen oder hochziehen?



stern.de – Schnarchen als Beziehungskiller



Alster Magazin – Nasenmuschelverkleinerung: Endlich wieder durchatmen



Perle – SOS-Tipps gegen Heiserkeit



Alster Magazin – Schnarchen kann krank machen



Alster Magazin – Hyposensibilisierung: Aktiv gegen Allergien




News from our doctors

Darum sind HNO-Ärzte beliebte Experten für ästhetische Medizin

Bei Hanse HNO beraten und behandeln wir unsere Patientinnen und Patienten zuverlässig und individuell in Sachen ästhetischer Medizin. Doch warum gehören HNO-Ärzte zu den versiertesten Experten auf dem Gebiet? Facharzt Dr. Luis Fernando López Paiz erklärt den Zusammenhang und seine Begeisterung für die Symbiose von Ästhetik und Funktionalität.

Read more …

Warum wir eine digitale Telefonassistenz nutzen

Damit Sie uns künftig besser telefonisch erreichen können, haben wir unser Team um eine digitale Telefonassistenz verstärkt, die während der Sprechstunden aktiv ist. Wie sie von dem neuen Service profitieren, erfahren Sie in diesem Beitrag.

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Was passiert bei einem Stimmcoaching?

Regelmäßig behandeln wir in unserer Praxis Patienten mit Stimm- und Sprachstörungen. Wurde eine Krankheit als Ursache ausgeschlossen, kann ein Stimmcoaching helfen, um den optimalen Klang der eigenen Stimme zu entfalten. Aber wie läuft so ein Training eigentlich ab?

Read more …


Please find below a compilation of Hanse HNO's favorite websites:


The innovative training for the best version of your voice.

Emergency medical service of the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigung” (regional association of statutory health insurance physicians) of Hamburg

Please refer to this site for help outside of our regular business hours

Facharztzentrum (medical center) at the Kampnagelfabrik

From ophtamology to pediatrics, adolescent medicine to urology, many competent colleagues from different disciplines can be found here under one roof

The German Medical Association’s official international bilingual science journal

Journal of clinical medicine and public health

Robert Koch Institute

The central federal institution responsible for disease control and prevention provides updates on infectious diseases

German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

The professional society provides the latest information in the field to doctors and patients

German ENT Association

Website of the association of office-based ENT physicians

Hear The World

The Foundation supports people with hearing loss around the world.